Managed Services

Managed IT Services

Professional IT Support for your Business

Our Lasar Total Care Maintenance & Support Package is a customised maintenance plan, built with you and your business in mind..

We understand that our clients don’t like to be in the dark when it comes to bills and expenditure, that’s why the price is fixed so that you know exactly how much your IT will cost you each month. Complete IT management with unlimited support from technicians you trust, in one, all inclusive, fixed monthly bill.

As part of Lasar Total Care you will get the benefit of:

Your Problems Fixed Fast

We believe you should have some kind of assure to when your problem is to be resolved. That’s why we have guaranteed response times built into your Total Care Package. That way you can have peace of mind your problem is not being forgotten about.

Remote Support

Telephone and internet support are available during office hours, Monday to Friday. Our local staff resolves most issues remotely, getting you back up and running quickly. Also our work is never outsourced…EVER!

Fast, Onsite Response

Because we are local, our technicians will drive direct to your company’s location. Our techs are well trained and can fix the majority of issues onsite, anywhere in the Peel region.

IT Planning & Consulting

Our team of experts can help you decide on the best hardware and software choices to fit your needs now and in the future. Be it Windows, Mac, iPads, Printers, Routers, Server, you name it and we can support it.

This sound like you?

Get in contact with us
